Penn State Daily Collegian Lifestyle Editor Becky Marcinko talks about how reporters find and keep good sources with Scott Dodd, senior staff editor on the National Desk of the New York Times, and Len Barcousky, a freelance writer, author and retired journalist.
Dodd has worked for newspapers, magazines and digital media in Pennsylvania and North Carolina as well as New York and holds a Master’s degree in science, health and environmental reporting from Columbia University. Barcousky, formerly a columnist, editor and reporter for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, is the author of three books including “Civil War Pittsburgh: Forge of the Union” and “Hidden History of Pittsburgh.”
In addition to her editing responsibilities, Marcinko serves as a photographer for the Collegian and a staff writer for Her Campus. She is a member of the Penn State Thespian Society and a committee member on a THON OPPerations committee. She is a junior studying digital and print journalism with a minor in French.