The AIG is raising money to benefit Collegian students in commemoration of the 135th anniversary of the student newspaper.

Now all we need is YOU!

You can choose from several ways to give. One is to buy tickets to the reunion events that will occur during homecoming weekend, beginning with the homecoming parade on Oct. 21 and a party at the PSU Alumni Association afterward. In addition you could Adopt-A-Student and get several texts this fall about what that student is doing for The Collegian. You could have your name and graduation date placed on a plaque to be hung in Collegian offices. Or you could make an outright gift.

Both students below have offered to participate in the Adopt-A-Student fundraiser.


Ella Castronuovo
Ella will be a sophomore in the fall of 2022 studying English. She is from San Mateo, CA. For three semesters, she has served as a Lifestyle Reporter, specifically for performing arts, general photographer and digital team member. She says, “I originally joined The Collegian because I thought it would help me get acclimated, and expose me to this massive school through reporting. However, I quickly realized it was so much more. The Collegian has introduced me to some of the nicest and most caring people I’ve ever met, and they have transformed my college experience. I have also participated in so many coverage opportunities I wouldn’t have even thought possible without this organization. I love getting to meet sources and share their stories.”


Anjelica Rubin
Anjelica Rubin is a sophomore studying broadcast journalism and political science whose grandfather worked for The Collegian. She calls State College her hometown, but was born in La Paz, Bolivia, and has lived in Maryland and California. She is a news features and investigations reporter at The Daily Collegian. She says, “I joined the Collegian last spring in part to continue pursuing my passion for writing and journalism in college but also because my grandfather was a sports editor at the Collegian in the 1940s, and I grew up hearing about so many of his adventures through this paper, and I wanted that experience as well as the amazing friendships and camaraderie that is special and unique to this paper and its staff.” 

Barbara Stack

I started my journalism career at The Daily Collegian, where I covered cops, "radicals and minorities," and served as editorial page editor. After graduation, I worked as a reporter and feature writer for two community papers, The Tribune-Review and the Beaver County Times, before being hired by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. I worked for the Post-Gazette for 27 years as a reporter, assistant city editor and editorial page writer. For a decade I covered issues regarding children and families, and a series of stories I wrote, along with a court case I persuaded the Post-Gazette to pursue, led to an order opening to the press and public dependency hearings in Pennsylvania juvenile court. In 2007, I began working as a blog writer for the United Steelworkers Union, composing blogs and op-eds that were published in the name of the union's international president. I am now retired and working as a consultant for The Pittsburgh Foundation's communications department.