The board of directors for The Daily Collegian Alumni Interest Group (AIG) has scheduled Aug. 29 through Sept. 5 for election of board members.

A nominating committee consisting of three board members, chaired by Dan Koli-Winklebleck, will interview candidates to serve on the board and recommend a slate. A tentative slate of candidates will be posted on the Collegian AIG website by June 30.

Anyone interested in serving may contact Dan at [email protected].

Candidates must have served on the Collegian staff, be members of the Penn State Alumni Association and be willing to serve a term of three years.

Anyone who is not nominated by the committee but wishes to serve may advance their candidacy by sending to the Collegian AIG a statement of interest, a resume and the signatures of 20 Collegian AIG members in support of their candidacy. Self-nominations must be received at [email protected] by July 30.

The Collegian AIG board is a working group that promotes The Daily Collegian and Penn State and provides a means for alumni of The Collegian to connect for personal and professional enrichment. Right now, the AIG is working on projects intended to help The Collegian survive the university’s decision to cut off all funding as of this school year.

Categories: BoardNews

Barbara Stack

I started my journalism career at The Daily Collegian, where I covered cops, "radicals and minorities," and served as editorial page editor. After graduation, I worked as a reporter and feature writer for two community papers, The Tribune-Review and the Beaver County Times, before being hired by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. I worked for the Post-Gazette for 27 years as a reporter, assistant city editor and editorial page writer. For a decade I covered issues regarding children and families, and a series of stories I wrote, along with a court case I persuaded the Post-Gazette to pursue, led to an order opening to the press and public dependency hearings in Pennsylvania juvenile court. In 2007, I began working as a blog writer for the United Steelworkers Union, composing blogs and op-eds that were published in the name of the union's international president. I am now retired and working as a consultant for The Pittsburgh Foundation's communications department.