This has been a tough couple of years for The Daily Collegian after the Penn State administration cut off all subsidies for the student news organization.

The Collegian Alumni Interest Group (AIG) urges Collegian alumni to support their current counterparts at the paper. Listed below are several ways to do that.

  1. To pledge or donate to the new endowment fund to support The Daily Collegian created after the university eliminated all support for the student news organization, please email
  2. Donate to The Daily Collegian directly for day-to-day operations by clicking here.
  3. Donate to the Collegian Scholarship Fund that provides scholarship money to two Collegian students every year by clicking here.
  4. Serve as a mentor to a Collegian student. Email the Collegian AIG at: [email protected] .
  5. Share your professional expertise and how your experience at the Collegian helped shape your success by volunteering to speak at a Zoom Roundtable: Email The Collegian AIG at [email protected] .
  6. Get involved in the Collegian Alumni Interest Group Board. Email The Collegian AIG at [email protected] .
Categories: BoardNews

Barbara Stack

I started my journalism career at The Daily Collegian, where I covered cops, "radicals and minorities," and served as editorial page editor. After graduation, I worked as a reporter and feature writer for two community papers, The Tribune-Review and the Beaver County Times, before being hired by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. I worked for the Post-Gazette for 27 years as a reporter, assistant city editor and editorial page writer. For a decade I covered issues regarding children and families, and a series of stories I wrote, along with a court case I persuaded the Post-Gazette to pursue, led to an order opening to the press and public dependency hearings in Pennsylvania juvenile court. In 2007, I began working as a blog writer for the United Steelworkers Union, composing blogs and op-eds that were published in the name of the union's international president. I am now retired and working as a consultant for The Pittsburgh Foundation's communications department.